One of my favorite things about fall...cider & donuts! It makes me happy just thinking about it :) Fall is here! Even my girls are excited about fall...they got out the rakes & decided they wanted to make a pile of leaves to jump into yesterday. They were all fired up for their "big" pile only to be disappointed when their pile was only as big as 3 sand pails full:( This was a "little" smaller than they expected.
Now that fall is here, it is time to start thinking about holiday cards. If you are interested in photographing outdoors there is not much time left. Typically, the beautiful leaves are gone by the 2nd or 3rd week in October. My weekend sessions are full, however, there is still room during the weekdays. Give me a call to schedule your appointment!
If you mention this blog post you will receive 10% off your holiday card order :)